Monday, July 26, 2010

New XC Best! Woodstock - April 22, 2010

That's one of this year's goals in the bag! I failed miserably on the first attempt last week only making it halfway but thankfully I got some redemption this week. Of course the goal was actually the airport but running to the Knob and back was also one of my goals for the season. I launched into a good cycle and headed North right away maintaining about 700' over the whole way up, stopping to turn in lift just a couple times. Just before I got to Signal Knob I thermaled up with an immature bald eagle, I think the same one from last week, you can see him in the video at 2:00. Then finally I made it and got to see that the radio tower is actually red on top. Because of the north cross, the North face of the Knob was working and diving over the ridge right next to the tower was just plain cool. I found a few decent climbs up there but nothing that ever got me more than 950' over launch. I heard Bacil call that he was going to head back so I turned back in that direction and found a nice climb back up to 950' over. But again, it petered out. However, at least I got to start the trip home in the good air well above the ridge. Getting back was uneventful, I didn't get low until the finger just North of launch but found a little climb that got me back home. My camera cut out on the way back but when I got to launch, once again it was blownig in like a fan. Two PG's were boating around in the evening glass and I zoomed around launch for 15 minutes before heading out for a nice no wind landing. It's 8.5 miles each way so that counts as a 17 mile cross country flight! A new personal best for me. Woohoo!

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